2021. Reclaimed wood, acrylic. A portable Station for participants to answer or pose questions and insert into the front slit.

8’ x 12’ x 1’
Latch hook, cardboard, acrylic, ink, wood, brass , paper
This is an interactive piece, viewers may approach the sun station and create a written or drawn response on paper to the question “Where Will You Go After Life?”. The paper is then inserted into the front of the station into a holding chamber. Answers are used to influence future works.

Papier-mâché, thousands of French Knots. canvas, acrylic, wood panel, twine, felt, pompoms.
Viewers are welcome to walk on the rug and make a flower offering to either the birdman of life or of death.

Panel Detail, birdman of life. Composed of thousands of French Knots.

Panel Detail, birdman of death. Composed of thousands of French Knots.

Marigold detail.

Detail of interaction.

Papier-mâché, acrylic, ink, wood panel, tin foil, mica pigment, graphite, canvas, pleather, linoleum block print.

Panel detail.

Offering coin detail.

Detail of Interaction.

Den: Sewn and hand painted canvas fabric, gold ink, red china crayon 10' x 6' x 6'
Cushion: Linoleum block printed canvas fabric with handmade tassels, gold ink 5' x 5' x 1'
Den Mobile: Steel ring, canvas fabric, Papier-mâché on chicken wire armature. gold paint, embroidery thread
Beak Stands: Hand forged steel and fabricated, white paint
Beak Masks: Papier-mâché on chicken wire armature, elastic, felt, gold paint

7.5' tall 2016
Papier-mâché, linoleum block print, canvas, acrylic, ink
Viewers may interact with Hortence, the keeper of time and an otherworldly being that walks freely between reality and unreality.

2021. Reclaimed wood, acrylic. A portable Station for participants to answer or pose questions and insert into the front slit.
8’ x 12’ x 1’
Latch hook, cardboard, acrylic, ink, wood, brass , paper
This is an interactive piece, viewers may approach the sun station and create a written or drawn response on paper to the question “Where Will You Go After Life?”. The paper is then inserted into the front of the station into a holding chamber. Answers are used to influence future works.
Papier-mâché, thousands of French Knots. canvas, acrylic, wood panel, twine, felt, pompoms.
Viewers are welcome to walk on the rug and make a flower offering to either the birdman of life or of death.
Panel Detail, birdman of life. Composed of thousands of French Knots.
Panel Detail, birdman of death. Composed of thousands of French Knots.
Marigold detail.
Detail of interaction.
Papier-mâché, acrylic, ink, wood panel, tin foil, mica pigment, graphite, canvas, pleather, linoleum block print.
Panel detail.
Offering coin detail.
Detail of Interaction.
Den: Sewn and hand painted canvas fabric, gold ink, red china crayon 10' x 6' x 6'
Cushion: Linoleum block printed canvas fabric with handmade tassels, gold ink 5' x 5' x 1'
Den Mobile: Steel ring, canvas fabric, Papier-mâché on chicken wire armature. gold paint, embroidery thread
Beak Stands: Hand forged steel and fabricated, white paint
Beak Masks: Papier-mâché on chicken wire armature, elastic, felt, gold paint
7.5' tall 2016
Papier-mâché, linoleum block print, canvas, acrylic, ink
Viewers may interact with Hortence, the keeper of time and an otherworldly being that walks freely between reality and unreality.